It's been a while and every time I load content on the road, it somehow never shows. So here's the quick recap of what has been going on since our last post...
In August, I traveled a lot for work. I was in New York one week, back in LA the next and off to Vegas the following. After an exhausting work schedule, we celebrated Brad's birthday in Del Mar, CA for a day at the races followed by a mini concert by WEEZER.
A few weeks passed and it was finally Labor Day weekend. I took a few days off from the craziness at work and enjoyed a long weekend with the Waycott's in the Big Bear cabin. It was such an enjoyable weekend just hanging out on the deck and enjoying the lake water in the distance. The weather was incredible! We could not have asked for a more enjoyable time. We packed up (realized we were out of water on Sunday night, OH NO!) and headed home.

The weather has started to break a little out here. We can really enjoy our last days of summer with mild temperatures and I know Chris and I are looking forward to the fall time. We have lots of things planned in the next few months; DUCKS season begins soon, so lots of hockey games and of course Chris' 28th birthday! My favorite holiday is approaching, NO not my birthday.... Halloween! We need to figure out our plans and costumes. Chris and I always step it up each year, so this year might be the best yet. We have a trip planned to The Grand Canyon during the late fall and we're celebrating our 9th year together! Can you believe we've been together that long? We're really excited to celebrate our "firsts" with Thanksgiving and Christmas and I'm sure there will be a ton of things along the way!
Looking forward to sharing a lot more HAPPY moments in the days, months and years to come!
Mrs. Waycott
p.s.- We're working on our Thank You's- taking much longer than we thought, but check for them soon in the mail!