It's exactly a week away until the BIG 1 year anniversary date. When I started this blog; I didn't really think that these past {almost} 365 days would be this eventful. I look back and smile at every circumstance whether it was good or bad {and let's face it, there were plenty of bad to go around}. We'll be celebrating our first anniversary in San Luis Obispo/Paso Robles- soaking up the sun and drinking wine {what we do best}. I'm sure you know, we are very excited for this mini trip.
This month marks a lot of celebrations. When we decided to get married in the month of May, we knew we'd be sharing the month with so much going on; but what you don't know is that we chose this date out of a hat. Chris and I couldn't really decide on a concrete date, so we placed about 6 dates in a hat and drew them out. When May 22, 2010 was drawn, we smiled. That was the date we'd celebrate forever. This month is what I call an 'expensive' one. It's shared {in chronological order} with:
Cinco de Mayo {oops, how did that get in there}
Dad and Karen's Anniversary
Mother's Day {remember, 3 mom's and 2 grand-moms}
Mom's Birthday
Layla's Birthday
{Our Anniversary}
Dad's Birthday
Karen's Birthday
Memorial Day {whew, a day off!}
... and to follow into June with Mom and Royce's anniversary, Father's Day and Nancy's birthday. Like I said, LOT'S of celebrations. We would never change it for the world and May is truly our favorite month.
This weekend we celebrated {could you have guessed that} the Little Layler's 4th birthday! I love this kid with all of my heart, even though she's a royal pain in the rear end. The Layler's looked so cute in her handmade Tutu and tee-shirt made by "mommy". We gifted Layla with an outfit {of course it had hearts, why would you ask that} and a custom frame. A few weeks back {Easter weekend}, Layla and I took the cutest picture. Staci suggested that I give it to her in a frame that say's I love my Auntie. So that's what I did. I painted her a wooden frame to imitate Sponge Bob {her favorite; plus it matches her room} and gave that to her for her birthday. Her face was priceless when she opened it. This kid was showered in gifts and sweets. I would have to say was a wonderful birthday to remember forever. There were tears, smiles, laughter, blood {yes, she bit her lip} and fun.

80 cupcakes later. Decorated like the Yo Gabba Gabba characters.

She is in love with her frame!

Happy Birthday Little Layler's- WE LOVE YOU!
Another big event happened this weekend! Grandma Marie moved back to California. We spent the better half of Saturday welcoming her home and catching up. We're excited to share a lot more memories with her in her new home. I'm sure she'll pop up in the blog a lot more as the months dwindle down.
Other than that, it's chore day and getting ready for our fun-filled weekend next week. Until then...
xxoo Mrs. Waycott