February/March flew by. I couldn't really tell you if I was coming or going during this time, there was so much going on. I do recall a few fun things that Chris and I did; here's the proof!
The Getty Center: February 12, 2011. We celebrated our version of Valentine's Day with a day trip to an incredible property in LA. I had never been to the Getty (I know, after living in LA for how many years, OH WAIT, my entire life!) and have to say, it's a pretty incredible place to go and enjoy the beauty of LA. We actually ran into some friends there, which is so odd in a city with millions of people that you run into someone from your hometown (SMALL WORLD). I've started to really learn how to use my DSLR camera and took some incredible photos of the landscaping and some of the donations to the property.
Absolutely love this view of LA!
Obsessed with this angel trumpet flower; I have a million pictures, no lies!
See, I had to take a picture under it!
We make shadow puppets, but this one took the cake!
Did I tell you that we are the spokes people for RayBan?
LA with all of its smog; I know, but it really is a beautiful city!
What a view of our coast line at night, seriously magical!
Sunset pictures are so romantic!
Late that night, I got a text indicating that my Dad had gone to the emergency room because he couldn't breathe.... and so the story goes....
I left for Vegas the very next day for work. It was one of our biggest trade show's and it's mandatory to go! I didn't really think about anything during that trip; things sounded fine on the home front so I didn't really bother to call. That was something I learned a hard lesson over. I was flying home on Thursday morning when I felt that I should check in on Dad. I got some bad news that he was sent to the ER again and that he probably has pneumonia. As soon as I flew home, I headed over to see Dad. Let me just start off by saying, I've never seen this man look so terrible in my life.
After sitting in the ER for over 8 hours he was transported to ICU and diagnosed with double pneumonia. Chris and I visited him after work and on the weekends. We tried being there every day but boy oh boy was that commute so difficult. So with a long story short, Dad had double pneumonia, H1N1, a blood clot in his leg and his kidney's were not doing well. After 21 long days, he was released from the hospital and sent home. I'm so grateful that he's home, that he can spend his time on his own terms. I'm not going to lie, he's still not the same man he was about a month ago and he's on oxygen 24/7, but it sure is nice to visit without nurses poking and prodding him every 20 minutes. So Dad, I love you and I'm happy you are home and "on the mend"!
Here's a few pics from the hospital!
Dad on his good day.
We joked a lot in the hospital, especially Karen! Had to make the best of a bad situation.
Ahh the little booger hanging out in Grandpa's room; she was really so good!
AND...finally, he came home! He reconnected with the Keekers (our family doggy!) Doesn't he look happy? Shortly after, he was bitching... he's back to normal!
So the last BIG thing that happened, was some major change! CHA-CHA-CHANGES! I left Tarina Tarantino after 8 years. I cannot even believe that it happened but it did! I was offered an incredible opportunity with a line of handbags/small leather goods/belts that I could not resist. It was probably the hardest 2 weeks of my life and one the hardest decisions to make for myself; but after all was said and all was done, I'm so happy! I'm ready for change! My first day at work was March 14th! I took a picture running out the door... YES, just like a kindergarden picture! I seriously was so excited! So that's the big news in life.

I've realized that family is most important and I need to do things that genuinely make me happy in life! I would not take back anything that has happened or the experiences I have gone through. I'm here today because of all of them. So here's to the next chapter in my life; I hope it's filled with love, laughter, happiness and of course family!
Change can be good! Can't wait to hear more about your career transition...
ReplyDeleteAnd I'm SO glad your Dad is home and feeling better, very scary situation :(