Ok so shoot me, I've been terrible about blogging and keeping you all up to date. I do promise I will be better in the weeks to come. So instead of doing the rehash from what has happened from almost 100 days ago, you'll see it in the photo montage below...
Christmas Eve Dinner- cookies came later :)
Yes, I got an iPad for Christmas, and YES this is what my face looked like when I opened it. Thanks babe!

Chris always has the most amazing smile. Did you see our yule log on?

Merry Christmas 2010: our first "married" Christmas

What's Christmas without Little Layler's priceless face?

DUCKS gear from the Waycott's. The snuggie comes in handy!
Sisters on Christmas with the Goldstein/Thomson clan

My incredible nephew, Frazier O'Neal Phillips IV: Born on December 30th, 2010. He's seriously the most amazing little boy ever! PROUD AUNTIE
Auntie Jen and Uncle Chris were the first to hold Baby Fraz.
Chris is such a natural at this!
What's New Year's Eve without our besties, The Moser's? This was shot #1
And of course, what's New Year's Eve without rock band?

Home made Churro's by yours truly with all the fixings! They were delicious!
Yep, those are marshmallows in our mouths.

Lots of cooking was done at Casa de Waycott, including home made Tortilla Soup!

Image has been blurred to protect the identity of those who fell asleep too early on New Year's Eve. {in robot voice}
It SNOWED in Santa Clarita! It seriously was the most exciting thing ever!
It piled up on the Newhall Pass.

NYC in January. Snowy, cold and with the love of my life!

He really was so excited to be there. We even got to see WICKED! Thanks Mom and Dad Waycott!
Typical tourist trapped photo
The Empire State Building was so magical. It was the first time I had been there! It even started to snow while up 80 stories high.
Chris walked the city and took some great shots of Brooklyn
He took this one on the clearest day in January!
The night before our departure, the city had a decent snow storm. This was Central Park after the storm; pretty incredible!

The usual picture of The Waycott's (3rd generation) with Starbucks in hand.
Well, that's a quick catch up through January! I'll be posting some additional pictures soon as well as some exciting and well, not so exciting news! Looking forward to a few more posts before it's officially our 1 year anniversary!
Mrs. Waycott
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