What a crazy couple weeks in the "new" Waycott household! Chris and I have been busy getting ready for the holidays and trying to orchestrate all of our destinations for the upcoming events. We embarked on our 9 year anniversary of dating; however I was told that those anniversaries do not count anymore. That's just nonsense!
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Day 190
What a crazy couple weeks in the "new" Waycott household! Chris and I have been busy getting ready for the holidays and trying to orchestrate all of our destinations for the upcoming events. We embarked on our 9 year anniversary of dating; however I was told that those anniversaries do not count anymore. That's just nonsense!
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Day 173
Monday, November 1, 2010
Day 163

Friday, October 22, 2010
Day 153
Over the past 5 months we have been really focusing on getting back to normal, because as you all know, the wedding process sure makes you kooky! Both of us are looking forward to the holidays and seeing some family members that we haven’t seen in a few years (or at all, that’s me!). We’re beginning (yes, I said beginning) to re-organize all the wedding stuff and keepsakes from our day. We watched our wedding video last week for the very first time and loved every second of it. The footage is exactly how I remembered it. We’re so in love. We cannot wait to carry on the tradition of watching it on our yearly anniversary!
Well the next few months are jammed packed and so excited to keep everyone in the loop!
Mrs. Waycott
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Day 147

Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Day 144

Monday, October 11, 2010
Day 142
Over the past few weeks, Chris and I have been experimenting on some new dinner options. Every week I create a 'menu' for us to help grocery shop and keep that ever popping question under wraps "What's for dinner tonight?", but this time was different. Instead of making the 'menu' for a week, I wrote it up for a month. Let me tell you that was quite a task. So figuring out a month's worth of different dinner options I phrased the question "Chris, what do you want for dinner?" He responded with one of the most surprising answers I had heard in a long time. He said SUSHI! So I placed it on the menu with a big smiley face. That day was Saturday. Chris went to the market to grab the necessites after reading the "how to" book on Sushi. Yes, we have that book and it was a gift from Xmas '09 {thanks Mom and Dad}. He prepped his station and went to work. I was quite surprised with his sushi making skills, he didn't leave anything out! I have to say, it was one of the best sushi rolls I've had in a long time! So thank you Itamae Christopher, you make the best sushi!
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Day 123

Saturday, September 18, 2010
Day 119
Friday, September 3, 2010
Monday, August 30, 2010
Day 100
A lot has happened over the last 100 days! Chris and I finally got our
marriage certificate this past weekend which makes us officially
husband and wife! It was the best feeling and of course I had to double
and triple check to make sure everything was spelled correctly {just in case}.
About two weeks ago we received an 11lbs box full of our pictures from
the talented Stephanie Williams Photography. We have to pick out 40
images from the batch for our wedding album; let me tell you, what a chore!
So yesterday, we spent a few hours going through the hundreds of photos
trying to pin down the top 40. We ended up with 43 and hopefully they can
edit from there.
We celebrated my birthday; YES, the big 2-8! We’re closing off our 20’s
and feel really good about it. This is just the start of our lives and
are so excited for all the new opportunities that are coming our way.
After all my traveling this month for work, we spent an entire day
with our best friend’s celebrating Brad’s birthday. We took him to
a small detour through
2nd race. We bet on a few races and really enjoyed our time. On the 9th
race, I had a feeling on a horse, so Chris and I tripled our bet and won
a little over $200.00. We were on cloud 9! The night ended with a
short concert by WEEZER and dinner at Kitchen 1540. It was a nice meal
despite the horrible service we received. All in all, a wonderful way to
celebrate Brad’s birthday!
The next few weeks look very busy! Chris and I are spending
Labor Day weekend in Big Bear! Very excited for a nice and relaxing 4
days hanging out on the lake. I’m co-hosting a baby shower in a few
weeks, lots of pictures to come! Can’t wait to meet baby Bode in October!
Promise to keep up on the blog a little more often! Lots of pictures to come soon!
Mrs. Waycott
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Day 71
Mrs. Waycott