WARNING: If you your initials are ADW, I would advise you to not read this!!
Just a normal work day; Chris and I came home from work and checked the mail box. 3 items were in there- ME of course was trying to touch all of it and "sort" through the junk. There were 2 menus to some Chinese place (CW was all about it) and a letter from the county registrar! Chris turned the envelope around with a HUGE grin on his face. I knew exactly what it was and started jumping up and down like a giddy little girl.... it was our marriage certificate! I was so elated that I had to document the moment- so I whipped out my iPhone and took a picture of Chris opening the certificate. At that very moment, I could remember the moment we went down to the county office to get the certificate and signed my name away. So Chris opens it and it says DENIED! DENIED?? Really? Apparently, {I will not mention names or INITIALS} there was a HUGE mistake on the legal document that they returned the certificate. So after 19 days of being married, our marriage certificate is in limbo. Does this mean we're not married? I asked my nearest and dearest friend if this is a sign....and she replied "Lol yes. That your BIL cannot be trusted with paperwork"... so after a few minutes of basically fuming, we have to go through this process AGAIN.... does that mean I get to wear my wedding dress again? If so, my daily wear is getting some good mileage!
All in all, I guess I cannot be mad; just sad that it's going to take an additional 19 days to get the official document indicating that I'm a Mrs. and not a Ms. At least down the road, this makes for a great story...
With Love,
"Mrs. Waycott"
Lol hmmm who gave that piece of advice???